Case Management’s Critical Roles

I still feel energized from our CMSA Annual Conference, and if you were in attendance, I hope you still feel the energy as well! The wealth and breadth of information presented by our speakers was inspiring, educational, and at times challenged my mental models in regard to how professional case managers can further engage as change agents within our transforming healthcare system. As case managers, we have critical roles as advocates, leaders, stakeholders and consumers.
Don’t forget to thank your organization for supporting your professional development and communicate how the CMSA Annual Conference adds value back to your organization. Many times, I have been guilty of not spreading my learning back to my organization. This is what I consider the most important thing that you can do to further the conversation in regard to the role of the professional case manager within your healthcare organization.
In this issue of CMSA Today, medical marijuana and our national opioid crisis are highlighted. The United States continues to struggle with deploying effective pain management strategies. The pendulum continues to swing between how aggressive we should be in managing pain and what are the medical, ethical and legal boundaries of treatment. At the very least, it is a controversial and emotionally charged issue that will continue to be debated into the near future.
As a new CMSA Today feature, you will be introduced to a new CMSA initiative centered around taking care of ourselves. The column and future webinars provide strategies on how professional case managers can maintain (and improve) our personal and professional wellness so that we are better able to take care of others. Topics include how professional case managers can further develop emotional intelligence, mindfulness, trusting relationships and much more. This special educational series reminds us about the caducity of life and the importance of connecting passion with purpose.
In the next few months, the CMSA board will continue to focus on public policy and advocacy initiatives. A number of CMSA members will be participating in our annual “Hill Day” advocacy campaign in September. Our visit to Washington, D.C. will make it clear that case management professionals want a voice at the table, highlight the work of case management professionals and advocate for legislation that further supports our essential role in the healthcare delivery system. More importantly, this work helps CMSA build relationships with key stakeholders, develop new and support existing collaborative partnerships and effectuate communication.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of others. As professional case managers, you are in a unique position to help individuals and their families/caregivers navigate within a complex healthcare system. We can accomplish so much more through collaboration and life-long learning. I also look forward to working with the CMSA board of directors 2019-2020 over the next year. I am truly honored and humbled to serve as your president. Again, have a great summer and remember to take care of yourself!
Jose Alejandro, PhD, RN-BC, MBA, CCM, FACHE, FAAN
President, CMSA
Dr. Alejandro is the Director of Case Management at UC Irvine Health, Orange County’s only Level 1 Trauma and Burn Center.
Source: New feed

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