Author name: snwpadmin

The Question of an Advanced Degree and Professionalism in Case Management

BY DR. LISA PARKER-WILLIAMS, DNP, MBA, RN, CCM PROFESSIONALISM AND CASE MANAGEMENT According to the U.S. Department of Labor, professionalism is communicating effectively and appropriately while always finding a way to be productive. In addition, professionalism involves the soft skills of integrity, responsibility, accountability and excellence (U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.). Fidelity is one of the […]

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Professional Development

BY DR. COLLEEN MORLEY, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM I am a big believer in the need for lifelong learning, the importance of continued professional development and the role of networking in these endeavors. That is why my membership in CMSA is an integral part of my professional toolbox. Recently, I was approached via

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Can’t Wait Until June to Start Your Education Journey? Consider These Educational Offerings From CMSA.

CMSA CASE MANAGEMENT BOOT CAMP March 10-12, Nashville, TN Case management is a growing healthcare profession, with a presence in every health delivery setting. Professionals moving to case management positions may or may not have access to adequate orientation and training. They often “learn on the job” and are not exposed to knowledge and skills

Can’t Wait Until June to Start Your Education Journey? Consider These Educational Offerings From CMSA. Read More »

The Desire for Professional Engagement: Why Some People Are in and Why Many Are Out!

BY TIFFANY FERGUSON, LMSW, CMAC, ACM You are likely reading this article because you have already made some level of commitment to engaging in your professional development as a case manager. You have probably paid your membership to CMSA and are somewhat tapped into what is going on in the organization. However, the majority of individuals

The Desire for Professional Engagement: Why Some People Are in and Why Many Are Out! Read More »

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