Author name: snwpadmin

Digital Technology: Why the Interest? Patient Engagement!

BY DR. COLLEEN MORLEY, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM Patient engagement/activation have long been a concern for the professional case manager. How can we get our patients/caregivers actively involved in their own care? Digital technology can be a key strategy in patient engagement and activation. One key concept is linked to the practice of […]

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Social Determinants of Mental Health in our Military

BY ELAINE BRUNER, MSN, CMGT-BC (The opinions and content expressed here are the author’s and do not represent those of the United States government, the Department of Defense, or the United States Navy.) Introduction Active-duty service members (ADSM) face unique issues related to social determinants of mental health (SDoMH). Military service can be considered a

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Your Zip Code, Your Health

BY ANNIE GARDINER, MS Social determinants of health (SDOH) are non-medical factors that influence health outcomes—that is, they are environmental conditions in which people are born, learn, live, work, play, worship and age that affect health and quality-of-life outcomes (ODPHP, 2020). Social determinants of health include access to Good jobs Clean water and air Public transportation

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Caring for Native American Patients: The Native American Medicine Wheel, The Practice of Case Management and a Case for Cultural Humility

BY CAROLE GESCHEIDLE, MSOLQ, BSN, RN, TEENA MANNING, BSN, RN, CCM, AND JULIA MAYER, BSN, RN, CCM Did you know that to be considered Native American in the United States is a legal/political determination and not simply a matter of racial identity? Also, that this designation has a profound impact on access to and quality

Caring for Native American Patients: The Native American Medicine Wheel, The Practice of Case Management and a Case for Cultural Humility Read More »

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