Author name: snwpadmin

“It Takes a Village”: Perinatal Care Managers and Community Doulas Work Together to Build Maternal Support

BY ALEXA HUGHES AND LAUREN BUCHWALD, BSN, RN, MSC Maternal Mortality and Morbidity One does not have to search far to find that the United States is experiencing a maternal health crisis; a crisis that has continued to rise both during and in the aftermath of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the maternal health crisis […]

“It Takes a Village”: Perinatal Care Managers and Community Doulas Work Together to Build Maternal Support Read More »

Resources to Assist in the Reduction of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity

BY REBECCA PEREZ, MSN, RN, CCM, FCM The health of mothers and children are interrelated and impacted by many factors. Maternal health is defined as the health of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (KFF, 2022). Child health is defined as the health of a child from birth through the adolescent years,

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