The Life Care Planner’s Role in a Law


The Life Care Planner’s role is to provide an unbiased and expert point of view about the lifetime medical costs for your personal injury case. That is the simple explanation. But understanding lifetime medical costs for an individual who has experienced a catastrophic injury or chronic illness is far from simple. 

Unraveling the complexity of each specific case 

There is no simple formula or one-size-fits-all estimate for the care that a serious injury or illness causes. Each personal injury case is complex and specific to the individual. While the Life Care Plan they prepare helps to quantify the loss associated with the catastrophic illness or injury, the role of the Life Care Planner is important in clarifying the victim’s unique set of physical and emotional challenges, which can require a significant amount of care and demand on health systems. When analyzing these challenges, the Life Care Planner identifies and understands where the real problem areas are, so you don’t have any surprises. 

Acting as a liaison between medical providers and lawyers 

A Life Care Planner has unique experience in nursing that helps significantly in understanding the medical reports, billing, history and standards of care. This experience and knowledge serve your team well as a liaison, where they can get important details for accurately and thoroughly evaluating medical and non-medical care needs. Additionally, although the medical reports will include recommendations, the Life Care Planner looks at the specifics of an individual’s care, focusing on providing accuracy, so you understand the holistic care and/or quality of life that is realistically needed for the patient. 

Getting the facts straight 

In their role, a Life Care Planner conducts thorough interviews and meticulous research to bring clarity and facts that are essential to building your case. They delve deeply into learning everything they can to educate the law firm about the individual, the chronic illness or catastrophic injury, and the medical history to provide a nonjudgmental perspective of care.  

Preparing you for every phase of your case 

A Life Care Planner’s role is to develop a clear road map and a plan for future medical costs, insight into the individual’s injury, perspective on medical bills and exploration for deviation from standards of care. They help to consult, evaluate, diagnose, and predict future care for your case. They assess the impact from the injury or illness, including how it affects the individual’s quality of life, and provide an unbiased and expert point of view. 

Contact Sierra Nurse Consultant to learn more about how our services can help with the specific and unique circumstances of your personal injury case. 

Keyword: Life Care Planner’s role

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